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i’m taking my time

4th April - 4th May

solo show at Praxis Artspace

go to my instagram for more photos <3


treat your belly!, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 51 x 61 cm.

first aid, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 55 x 55 cm.

my writing..

Jessie Hui's new body of work explores the process of wellness and self-love. Hui paints the healing journey from a third-person perspective, where her work narrates the struggles and progress of a cat in its quest to find peace. Telling the story of an animated cat, Hui's absence from the work allows viewers and herself to examine the personal experience from a distance, from a God's angle with more clarity and rationality.

Each painting presents a different snapshot of the journey, travelling through the ups and downs of the physical and mental worlds. From outdoor adventures with social groups to a confrontation with one's mind and soul in solitude, the cat is finding ways to heal and it surely takes time to be aware and to feel at ease with one's self.

*In simple words,
the paintings are about how to feel better; what can we do to care for ourselves? While ‘First Aid’, this particular work sums up the tools and possible answers to these questions, each of the other 9 paintings explore physical and mental aids that I find relatable, such as introspection (having some me time~) and to socialise (hang out with people time~). 

The titles tell a little more about the specific tools to feel better that are represented in imaginary scenes of cats, for instance, Treat your belly! is about comfort food! And other works like Second Opinion, Gut Feeling, Companion etc, (quite self-explanatory I guess).

You might ask, why cats? because i like meows and love watching cats pics/vids on my phone. They instantly make me smile :’).

Moreover, influenced by anime, comics, video games, my art style is colourful, fun and flat, just like all of the beautiful, life saving art creations that accompanied my daily living. :) :)